Babies can become attached to certain security items - just think of Linus and his blanket in the Snoopy cartoons.
Oscar is very much attached to Cat-Bear. When he has his sleeps, she must be there to cuddle him. When he wakes up, he is still clasping her in his hands. If she's not there, he gets most distressed!
I manage to convince Oscar that Cat-Bear sometimes needs a wash, and we take her to the washing machine where she is carefully deposited by Oscar, only to be snatched out again at the last minute. Eventually we manage to get her in and yesterday, Oscar accepted a toothbrush as a poor temporary substitute.
Cat-Bear was a gift from Oscar's Aunty Cat - hence the name. Who knows what would happen if we should lose Cat-Bear? She was bought in a big Tescos in Borehamwood under the children's Cherokee range. So if you happen to find one floating around in a Tescos, think of Oscar and... well, I'm sure he would be most grateful for a spare Cat-Bear...
I think we can help! Got a spare at home right now!
Actually, I knew Cat bought two - one for Oscar, one for Dylan - but didn't know if Dyls was glued to his like Oscar is.
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