Well, firstly Happy Christmas! Oscar had a fab one with loads of presents (thanks to those who sent cards & prezzies, much appreciated), and Matt had his annual cooking turn with a range of stuffings and a bit of roast chicken on the side.
As you know, we all went to Cambodia earlier this month, to check out the awesome temple complex of Angkor. It was an amazing experience. Some of these temples are over 1,000 years old, but you're allowed to climb all over them pretty much to your heart's content.
Luckily, Matt had been before, so he looked after Oscar while I explored by myself. But the times that we did go to the temples together, Oscar had a whale of a time! Firstly, there was the transport: you can travel around the area by tuktuk. Much better than being cooped up in a car! Oscar liked to feel the breeze in his hands:
Then there was the hotel breakfast:
And then the actual temples, which Oscar could run around in like a big ancient adventure playground, playing hide and seek, clambouring around and generally getting thoroughly dirty.
All in all, a wonderful trip!
For more Oscar pics in Angkor: http://www.pbase.com/sylviewaudby/december_2009
For Sylvie's pics of Angkor: http://pbase.com/sylviewaudby/angkor